Changes between Version 24 and Version 25 of Public/User_Guide/TAMPI_NAM

Apr 26, 2021, 4:45:36 PM (3 years ago)
Kevin Sala


  • Public/User_Guide/TAMPI_NAM

    v24 v25  
    111111=== Using NAM in Heat benchmark ===
    113 In this benchmark, we use the NAM memory to save the computed matrix periodically. The idea is to save different states (snapshots) of the matrix during the execution in a persistent NAM memory region. Then, another program could retrieve all the matrix snapshots, process them and produce a GIF animation showing the heat's evolution throughout the execution. Notice that we cannot use regular RAM for that purpose because the matrix could be huge, and we may want to store tens of matrix snapshots. We also want to keep it persistently so that other programs could process the stored data. Moreover, the memory should be easily accessible by the multiple MPI ranks or their tasks in parallel. The NAM memory satisfies all these requirements, and as previously stated, !ParaStation MPI allows accessing NAM allocations through standard MPI RMA operations. We only implement the NAM snapshots in the TAMPI variants `02.heat_itampi_ompss2_tasks.bin` and `03.heat_tampirma_ompss2_tasks.bin`.
    115 The Heat benchmark allocates a single MPI window that holds the whole NAM region, which is used by all ranks (via the `MPI_COMM_WORLD` communicator) and throughout the execution. Every few timesteps (specified by the user), it saves the whole matrix into a specific NAM subregion. Each timestep that saves a matrix snapshot employs a distinct NAM subregion. These subregions are placed one after the other, consecutively, without overlapping. Thus, the entire NAM region's size is the full matrix size multiplied by the number of times the matrix will be saved. Even so, we allocate the NAM memory region using the Managed Contiguous layout (`psnam_structure_managed_contiguous`). This means that rank 0 allocates the whole region, but each rank acquires a consecutive memory subset, where it will store its blocks' data for every snapshot. For instance, the NAM allocation will first have the space for storing all snapshots of the blocks from rank 0, followed by the space for all snapshots of blocks from rank 1, and so on. By using that layout, NAM subregions are rank-addressed using the rank it belongs to, simplifying the saving and retrieving of snapshots.
    117 Then, when a timestep requires a snapshot, the application instantiates multiple tasks that save the matrix data into the corresponding NAM subregion. Each MPI rank creates a task for writing (copying) the data of each of its matrix blocks into the NAM subregion. These communication tasks do not have any data dependency between them, so they can write data to the NAM using regular `MPI_Put` in parallel. Ranks only write to their own subregions, never in other ranks' subregions. Nevertheless, we must call all MPI_Puts inside an MPI RMA access epoch, so there must be a window fence call before all the MPI_Puts, and another one after them to close the epoch, for each of the snapshot timesteps. Here is where we leverage the new function `MPI_Win_ifence` along with the TAMPI non-blocking support. In this way, we can fully taskify both synchronization and writing of the NAM window, keeping the data-flow model and without closing the parallelism for doing the snapshots (e.g., with a `taskwait`) . Thanks to the task data dependencies and TAMPI, we cleanly include the snapshots in the application's data-flow execution as any other regular communication task with dependencies.
     113In this benchmark, we use the NAM memory to save the computed matrix periodically. The idea is to save different states (snapshots) of the matrix during the execution in a persistent NAM memory region. Then, another program could retrieve all the matrix snapshots, process them and produce a GIF animation showing the heat's evolution throughout the execution. Notice that we cannot use regular RAM for that purpose because the matrix could be huge, and we may want to store tens of matrix snapshots. We also want to keep it persistently so that other programs could process the stored data later on. Moreover, the memory should be easily accessible by the multiple MPI ranks, or their tasks in parallel. The NAM memory satisfies all these requirements, and as previously stated, !ParaStation MPI allows accessing NAM allocations through standard MPI RMA operations. We implement the NAM snapshots in the TAMPI variants: `02.heat_itampi_ompss2_tasks.bin` and `03.heat_tampirma_ompss2_tasks.bin`.
     115To that end, the Heat benchmark allocates a single MPI window that holds the whole NAM region, which is used by all ranks (via the `MPI_COMM_WORLD` communicator) and throughout the execution. Every few timesteps (specified by the user), it saves the whole matrix into a specific NAM subregion. Each timestep that saves a matrix snapshot employs a distinct NAM subregion. These subregions are placed one after the other, consecutively, without overlapping. Thus, the entire NAM region's size is the full matrix size multiplied by the number of times the matrix will be saved (i.e. number of snapshots). We allocate the NAM memory region using the Managed Contiguous layout (`psnam_structure_managed_contiguous`). This means that the MPI rank 0 allocates the whole region, but each rank acquires a consecutive memory subset, where it will store its blocks' data for every snapshot. For instance, the NAM allocation will first have the space for storing all snapshots of the blocks from rank 0, followed by the space for all snapshots of blocks from rank 1, and so on. By using that layout, NAM subregions are rank-addressed using the rank it belongs to, simplifying the saving and retrieving of snapshots.
     117When a timestep has to save a snapshot, the application instantiates multiple tasks that save the matrix data into the corresponding NAM subregion. Each MPI rank creates a task for writing (copying) the data of each of its matrix blocks into the NAM subregion. These communication tasks do not have any data dependency between them, so they can write data to the NAM using regular `MPI_Put` in parallel. Ranks only write to their own subregions, never in other ranks' subregions. Nevertheless, we must call all MPI_Puts inside an MPI RMA access epoch, so there must be a window fence call before all the MPI_Puts, and another one after them to close the epoch, for each of the snapshot timesteps. Here is where we leverage the new function `MPI_Win_ifence` along with the TAMPI non-blocking support. In this way, we can fully taskify both synchronization and writing of the NAM window, keeping the data-flow model and without closing the parallelism for doing the snapshots (e.g., with a `taskwait`). Thanks to the task data dependencies and TAMPI, we cleanly include the snapshots in the application's data-flow execution as any other regular communication task.
    119119The following pseudo-code shows how the saving of snapshots works in `02.heat_itampi_ompss2_tasks.bin`:
    140 The function above is the main procedure that executes the Heat's timesteps applying the Gauss-Seidel method. All MPI ranks run this function concurrently, each one working with their corresponding blocks from the matrix. In each timestep, the `gaussSeidelSolver` function instantiates all the computation and communication tasks that process the rank's blocks and exchanges the halo rows with the neighboring ranks. These tasks declare the proper input/output dependencies on the blocks they are reading/writing. Every some timesteps, the algorithm calls `namSaveMatrix` that will issue tasks to perform a snapshot of the data computed after computing that timestep. Notice that `namSaveMatrix` will have to instantiate tasks with input dependencies on the blocks in order to perform the snapshot at the right moment of the execution, i.e. after the `gaussSeidelSolver` tasks from that timestep. Notice also that we identify each snapshot with the `namSnapshotId`, which we use to know where we should store the snapshot data inside the NAM window. This taskwait at the end of the algorithm is the only one in the whole execution; we do not close the parallelism anywhere else.
     140The function above is the main procedure that executes the Heat's timesteps applying the Gauss-Seidel method. All MPI ranks run this function concurrently, each one working with their corresponding blocks from the matrix. In each timestep, the `gaussSeidelSolver` function instantiates all the computation and communication tasks that process the rank's blocks and exchanges the halo rows with the neighboring ranks. These tasks declare the proper input/output dependencies on the blocks they are reading/writing. Every some timesteps, the algorithm calls `namSaveMatrix` that issues tasks that will perform a snapshot of the matrix after computing that timestep. Notice that `namSaveMatrix` will have to instantiate tasks with input dependencies on the matrix blocks in order to perform the snapshot at the right moment of the execution, i.e. after the `gaussSeidelSolver` tasks from that timestep. Notice also that we identify each snapshot with the `namSnapshotId`, which we use to know where we should store the snapshot data inside the NAM window. The taskwait at the end of the algorithm is the only one in the whole execution; we do not close the parallelism anywhere else.
    176 The function above is the one called periodically from the primary procedure. It instantiates the tasks that will perform the snapshot of the current rank's blocks into their corresponding NAM memory subregions. The first step is to compute the offset of the current snapshot inside the NAM region using the snapshot identifier. Before writing to the NAM window, the application must ensure that an MPI RMA access epoch has been opened on that window. That is what the first task is doing. After all the blocks have been computed in that timestep and are ready to be read (notice its task dependencies), the first task will run and execute an `MPI_Win_ifence` to start the window epoch's opening. This MPI function generates an MPI request and serves as parameter of the subsequent call to `TAMPI_Iwait`, which binds the current task's completion to the finalization of the MPI request. This last call is non-blocking and asynchronous, so the fence operation may not be completed after returning. The task can finish its execution, but it will not complete until the fence operation finishes. Once it finishes, TAMPI will automatically complete the task and make its successor tasks ready. The successors of the fence task are the ones that perform the actual writing (copying) of data into the NAM memory by calling `MPI_Put`. All blocks can be saved in the NAM memory in parallel by different tasks. The source of the `MPI_Put` is the block itself (in regular RAM), while the destination is the place where the block should be written inside the NAM region. After all writer tasks finish, it is the turn for the task that closes the MPI RMA access epoch on the NAM window. This one should behave similarly to the one that opened the epoch.
     176The function above is the one called periodically from the primary procedure. It instantiates the tasks that will perform the snapshot of the current rank's blocks into their corresponding NAM memory subregion. The first step is to compute the offset of the current snapshot inside the NAM region using the snapshot identifier. Before writing to the NAM window, the application must ensure that an MPI RMA access epoch has been opened on that window. That is what the first task is doing. After all the blocks have been computed in that timestep and are ready to be read (notice its task dependencies), the first task will run and execute an `MPI_Win_ifence` to start the window epoch's opening. This MPI function generates an MPI request and serves as parameter of the subsequent call to `TAMPI_Iwait`, which binds the current task's completion to the finalization of the MPI request. These calls are non-blocking and asynchronous, so the fence operation may not be completed after returning. The task can finish its execution, but it will not complete until the fence operation finishes. Once it finishes, TAMPI will automatically complete the task and make its successor tasks ready. The successors of the fence task are the ones that perform the actual writing (copying) of data into the NAM memory by calling `MPI_Put`. All blocks can be saved in the NAM memory in parallel by different tasks. The source of the `MPI_Put` is the block itself (in regular RAM), while the destination is the place where the block should be written inside the NAM region. After all writer tasks finish, it is the turn for the task that closes the MPI RMA access epoch on the NAM window. This one should behave similarly to the one that opened the epoch.
    178178Notice that all tasks declare the proper dependencies on both the matrix blocks and the NAM window to guarantee their correct execution order. Thanks to these data dependencies and the TAMPI non-blocking feature, we can cleanly add the execution of the snapshots into the task graph, being executed asynchronously, and being naturally interleaved with the other computation and communication tasks. Finally, it is worth noting that the blocks are written into the NAM memory in parallel, utilizing the machine's CPU and network resources efficiently.