Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of Public/User_Guide/TAMPI_NAM

Apr 21, 2021, 6:04:30 PM (3 years ago)
Kevin Sala


  • Public/User_Guide/TAMPI_NAM

    v19 v20  
    4848This support is based on the fence synchronization mode of the MPI RMA model.
    4949This mode works as follows: (1) all ranks participating in a given window have to open an access epoch on that window calling `MPI_Win_fence`, (2) they perform the desired RMA operations on the NAM window, and (3) they close the epoch with another call to `MPI_Win_fence`.
    50 This mode of operation can be integrated into a hybrid task-based application by instantiating a task to open the epoch on the NAM window with `MPI_Win_fence`, followed by multiple concurrent tasks that write or read data to/from the NAM window, and finally, another task to close the access epoch.
    51 Notice that tasks can define the corresponding dependencies on the window to ensure this order of execution, as in the following example:
     50This mode of operation can be integrated into a hybrid task-based application by instantiating a task to open the epoch on the NAM window with an MPI fence, followed by multiple concurrent tasks that write or read data to/from the NAM window, and finally, another task closing the access epoch with another fence.
     51Notice that tasks can define the corresponding dependencies on the window to ensure this order of execution.
     53In order to support this taskification, the fences should be managed by the TAMPI library to perform it efficiently and safely.
     54We have extended the !ParaStation MPI to provide a new non-blocking function called MPI_Win_ifence that performs that starts a fence operation on a specific window and generates an MPI request to check its completion later.
     55This MPI request can be then naturally handled by the TAMPI library using the `TAMPI_Iwait` function, as shown below.
     81In this example, the first task opens an access epoch on the NAM window using the new `MPI_Win_ifence`.
     82This function starts a fence operation, generates an MPI request and returns immediately.
     83This request is then handled by the TAMPI library through the `TAMPI_Iwait`, which bind the completion of the task to the finalization of the fence operation.
     84The task can continue executing immediately without blocking and finalize its execution.
     85Once the fence operation finalizes, the task will complete automatically and its successor task will become ready.
     86The successors are the tasks that perform `MPI_Put` operations on the window in parallel.
     87Notice that the dependencies of these tasks allow them to execute all `MPI_Put` in parallel, always after the window epoch has been opened.
     88After all `MPI_Put` tasks have executed, the last task can run and close the window epoch.
    7790== Heat Benchmark ==