= Switching to the `deepext` project = After a project ends in most cases the project is also removed from Judoor after a while. \\ This would mean that you will loose access to the DEEP system. \\ If you like to keep your access please join the `deepext` project and move the data you'd \\ like to keep to your new project directory. == Get access to `deepext` == 1) Go to [https://judoor.fz-juelich.de/login Judoor] and log in.\\ 2) Right under the list of your projects you find the link to join a new project:\\ [[Image(Join_project.PNG, 200px)]]\\ 3) Enter the project name (`deepext`) and klick on `Join project`:\\ [[Image(Join.PNG, 400px)]]\\ 4) Once you are accepted by the PI of your project you have to sign a usage agreement:\\ [[Image(Judoor7.PNG, 400px)]]\\ After this you have access to the new project. == Move your data to the new project == 1) Access the [https://www.fz-juelich.de/en/ias/jsc/systems/storage-systems/judac JUDAC] system (storage system) via `ssh -i "path to your key" "username"@judac.fz-juelich.de` 2) Create your directory in the `deepext` project:\\ `mkdir /p/project/deepext/"username"` 3) Move all the data you'd like to keep to your new directory: `mv /p/project/"old_project"/"username"/data /p/project/deepext/"username"` 4) After this you can log out from `JUDAC` ---- [https://www.fz-juelich.de/en/ias/jsc/services/user-support/how-to-get-access-to-systems/judoor More information about Judoor]