= General information = We have 8 KNLs in the SDV right now.\\ knl04 is currently not available. So users can only use 7 KNLs. = Node allocation = Nodes can be allocated through the PBS based batch system that is also used for the DEEP Cluster and Booster.You can start an interactive session on our KNLs like this: {{{ qsub -l nodes=2:ppn=256:knl,walltime=00:10:00 -I (this will randomly choose 2 of our 8 KNLs) qsub -l nodes=knl0X:ppn=256:knl,walltime=00:10:00 -I (you can also choose a specific KNL (01-03,05-08) like this) }}} When using a batch script, you have to adapt the -l option within your script. = Compiling = Use the -xMIC-AVX512 flag instead of -mmic. = Using MPI over EXTOLL = set PSP_RENDEZVOUS_VELO =