
Version 63 (modified by Jochen Kreutz, 20 months ago) (diff)

re-activate message about Nvidia driver mismatch

This page is intended to give a short overview on known issues and to provide potential solutions and workarounds to the issues seen.

Last update: 2022-11-18

Please, use the support mailing list sup(at) to report any issues

To stay informed, please refer to the News page. Also, please pay attention to the information contained in the "Message of the day" displayed when logging onto the system. The system status is reported on JSC status as well.

Detected HW and node issues

CM nodes

  • dp-cn25: SEL ProblemsFW issues (#2769)
  • dp-cn30: Image update needed (#2991)
  • dp-cn[47-50]: BeeOnd testbed

DAM nodes

  • dp-dam02: reserved for FPGA tests
  • dp-dam16: testbed

ESB nodes

  • dp-esb[07]: testbed
  • dp-esb[11]: memory issues (#2857)
  • dp-esb[31]: GPU issues (#2949)
  • dp-esb[47]: SEL Problems (#2998)
  • dp-esb[75]: Image update needed

SDV nodes

  • deeper-sdv cluster nodes (Haswell) have been taken offline: deeper-sdv[01-16]
    • not included in SLURM anymore
    • deeper-sdv[09-10] used for testing (please contact j.kreutz(at) if you would like to get access
  • knl01: serves as golden client for imaging only
  • dp-sdv-esb[01,02]: will only be powered on demand

Software issues

Cuda and Rocky 8.6

  • New CUDA drivers on the compute nodes.In case of problems, please manually prepend your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (first for libcuda, second for libcublas, fft, etc.):
    ln -s /usr/lib64/ .
    ln -s /usr/lib64/ .
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:/usr/local/cuda/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH srun <srun_args> <exe> <exe_args>

nvidia driver mismatch

  • loading CUDA module and trying to run nvidia-smi (or any application trying to use the GPU) leads to
Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch
  • workaround is to unload the unload the driver module: ml -nvidia-driver/.default
  • for furhter information, please also see  here

nvidia profiling tools

  • to launch the tools on a compute node using X-Forwarding another SSH session is needed:
srun --forward-x -p dp-esb -N 1 -n 1 --pty /bin/bash -i
ssh -X -J <your account> <your account>@<the node you received>
  • you will still see a warning "OpenGL Version check failed. Falling back to Mesa software rendering.", but the profling tool (e.g. nsight-sys) should start up