== What is OpenCHK? The OpenCHK model is a pragma-based checkpointing model developed by the Programming Models group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center. The aim of this model is to provide a generic and portable way to checkpoint and recover data in C/C++ and Fortran High Performance Computing applications. The prototype implementation of the model is based on two software components: Mercurium source-to-source compiler Transparent Checkpoint Library = Loading the OpenCHK module Firstly, it is required to append some paths to your "MODULEPATH" environment variable: {{{ modulepath="/usr/local/software/skylake/Stages/2018b/modules/all/Core:$modulepath" modulepath="/usr/local/software/skylake/Stages/2018b/modules/all/Compiler/mpi/intel/2019.0.117-GCC-7.3.0:$modulepath" modulepath="/usr/local/software/skylake/Stages/2018b/modules/all/MPI/intel/2019.0.117-GCC-7.3.0/psmpi/5.2.1-1-mt:$modulepath" export MODULEPATH="$modulepath:$MODULEPATH" }}} Once this is done, simply load the following modules: {{{ module load Intel/2019.0.117-GCC-7.3.0 module load ParaStationMPI/5.2.1-1-mt module load OpenCHK/1.0 }}} = Documentation and User guide Manual: https://github.com/bsc-pm/OpenCHK-model = Quick Start Guide == Before the Execution TCL provides support for three different backends: FTI, SCR and VeloC. The backend library must be chosen using the environment variable "TCL_BACKEND". \\ NOTE: In the current installation, the only enabled backend is FTI. {{{ export TCL_BACKEND=FTI }}} When using FTI as backend library, the user needs to provide an FTI configuration file using the environment variable "FTI_CONF_FILE". (see attachments: config.fti) {{{ export FTI_CONF_FILE=config.fti }}} == OpenCHK syntax * The ''init'' construct defines the initialization of a checkpoint context. None of the other constructs must be used without initializing a checkpoint context. \\ * The ''shutdown'' construct defines the finalization of a checkpoint context. * The 'store' construct specifies that some variables and memory regions are going to be saved in a new checkpoint. * The 'load' construct specifies that some variables and memory regions are goind to be updated with the stored values that we have previously checkpointed (if any). == Example C/C++ Compile the example: {{{ mpicxx -cxx=mcxx --checkpoint -o test_scalar-cpp test_scalar.cpp }}} Run the example: \\ NOTE: Remember that you should have set TCL_BACKEND=FTI and a valid FTI_CONF_FILE. {{{ mpirun -np 8 ./test_scalar-cpp [step_to_inject_error] }}} {{{#!C++ #include #include #include void error_handler(int err_code) { std::cout << "Error inside CheckpointLib. Error code: " << err_code << "." << std::endl; exit(-1); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int err = MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); assert(err == MPI_SUCCESS); MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD; int inject_error = -1; if(argc == 2) { inject_error = std::atoi(argv[1]); std::cout << "Inject error at step " << inject_error << "." << std::endl; } #pragma chk init comm(comm) { int data, i = 0; bool restored = false; #pragma chk load(i, data) if(i != 0) { std::cout << "Restored data from iteration " << i << ". data = " << data << "." << std::endl; restored = true; } for(i; i < 10; i++) { data = i; #pragma chk store(i, data) kind(CHK_FULL) id(i) level((i%4)+1) if(1) handler(error_handler) if(i == inject_error && !restored) { std::cout << "Injected error." << std::endl; exit(-1); } std::cout << "Completed step " << i << std::endl; } } #pragma chk shutdown MPI_Finalize(); } }}} == Example Fortran Compile the example: {{{ mpif90 -fc=ifort-mfc --checkpoint -o test_scalar-fortran test_scalar.f90 }}} Run the example: \\ NOTE: Remember that you should have set TCL_BACKEND=FTI and a valid FTI_CONF_FILE. {{{ mpirun -np 8 ./test_scalar-fortran [step_to_inject_error] }}} {{{#!Fortran PROGRAM T1 include 'mpif.h' integer rank, size, ierror, tag, comm, status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) integer actual_data = 0, restored_i = 0, restored = 0, inject_error = -1, i CHARACTER(len=32) :: arg call MPI_INIT(ierror) comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD if (iargc() == 1) then call getarg(1, arg) read (arg,'(I10)') inject_error print *, 'Inject error at step ', inject_error, '.' endif !$chk init comm(comm) !$chk load(restored_i, actual_data) if (restored_i .ne. 0) then print *, 'Restored data from iteration ', restored_i , '. data = ', actual_data, '.' restored = 1 end if do i = restored_i, 10 actual_data = i !$chk store(i, actual_data) kind(0) id(i) level(mod(i,4)+1) if(i .ge. 0) if (i .eq. inject_error .AND. restored .eq. 0) then print *, 'Injected error' call EXIT(-1) end if print *, 'Completed step ', i end do !$chk shutdown call MPI_FINALIZE(ierror) END PROGRAM }}}