[[Image(OmpSs2_logo_full.png, 30%)]] = Programming with !OmpSs-2 = Table of contents: * [#QuickOverview Quick Overview] * [#QuickSetuponDEEPSystemforaPureOmpSs-2Application Quick Setup on DEEP System for a Pure OmpSs-2 Application] * [#UsingtheRepositories Using the Repositories] * Examples: * [#AStep-By-StepDetailedGuidetoExecutetheMultisaxpyBenchmarkOmpSs-2 A Step-By-Step Detailed Guide to Execute the Multisaxpy Benchmark (OmpSs-2)] * [#Dot-productBenchmarkOmpSs-2 Dot-product Benchmark (OmpSs-2)] * [#MergesortBenchmarkOmpSs-2 Mergesort Benchmark (OmpSs-2)] * [#NqueensBenchmarkOmpSs-2 Nqueens Benchmark (OmpSs-2)] * [#MatmulBenchmarkOmpSs-2 Matmul Benchmark (OmpSs-2)] * [#CholeskyBenchmarkOmpSs-2MKL Cholesky Nenchmark (OmpSs-2+MKL)] * [#NbodyBenchmarkMPI+OmpSs-2TAMPI Nbody Nenchmark (MPI+OmpSs-2+TAMPI)] * [#HeatBenchmarkMPI+OmpSs-2TAMPI Heat Benchmark (MPI+OmpSs-2+TAMPI)] ---- = Quick Overview = !OmpSs-2 is a programming model composed of a set of directives and library routines that can be used in conjunction with a high-level programming language (such as C, C++ or Fortran) in order to develop concurrent applications. Its name originally comes from two other programming models: **OpenMP** and **!StarSs**. The design principles of these two programming models constitute the fundamental ideas used to conceive the !OmpSs philosophy. [[Image(OmpSsOpenMP.png, 30%)]] !OmpSs-2 **thread-pool** execution model differs from the **fork-join** parallelism implemented in OpenMP. [[Image(pools.png, 30%)]] A **task** is the minimum execution entity that can be managed independently by the runtime scheduler. **Task dependences** let the user annotate the data flow of the program and are used to determine, at runtime, if the parallel execution of two tasks may cause data races. [[Image(taskGraph.png, 15%)]] The reference implementation of !OmpSs-2 is based on the **Mercurium** source-to-source compiler and the **Nanos6** runtime library: * Mercurium source-to-source compiler provides the necessary support for transforming the high-level directives into a parallelized version of the application. * Nanos6 runtime library provides services to manage all the parallelism in the user-application, including task creation, synchronization and data movement, as well as support for resource heterogeneity. [[Image(MercuriumNanos.png, 35%)]] **Additional information** about the !OmpSs-2 programming model can be found at: * !OmpSs-2 official website. [https://pm.bsc.es/ompss-2] * !OmpSs-2 specification. [https://pm.bsc.es/ftp/ompss-2/doc/spec] * !OmpSs-2 user guide. [https://pm.bsc.es/ftp/ompss-2/doc/user-guide] * !OmpSs-2 examples repository. [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples] * !OmpSs-2 manual with examples and exercises. [https://pm.bsc.es/ftp/ompss-2/doc/examples/index.html] * Mercurium official website. [https://www.bsc.es/research-and-development/software-and-apps/software-list/mercurium-ccfortran-source-source-compiler Link 1], [https://pm.bsc.es/mcxx Link 2] * Nanos official website. [https://www.bsc.es/research-and-development/software-and-apps/software-list/nanos-rtl Link 1], [https://pm.bsc.es/nanox Link 2] ---- = Quick Setup on DEEP System for a Pure !OmpSs-2 Application = We highly recommend to interactively log in a **cluster module (CM) node** to begin using !OmpSs-2. To request an entire CM node for an interactive session, please execute the following command to use all the 48 available threads: `srun -p dp-cn -N 1 -n 1 -c 48 --pty /bin/bash -i` Note that the command above is consistent with the actual hardware configuration of the cluster module with **hyper-threading enabled**. !OmpSs-2 has already been installed on DEEP and can be used by simply executing the following commands: `modulepath="/usr/local/software/skylake/Stages/2018b/modules/all/Core:$modulepath"` `modulepath="/usr/local/software/skylake/Stages/2018b/modules/all/Compiler/mpi/intel/2019.0.117-GCC-7.3.0:$modulepath"` `modulepath="/usr/local/software/skylake/Stages/2018b/modules/all/MPI/intel/2019.0.117-GCC-7.3.0/psmpi/5.2.1-1-mt:$modulepath"` `export MODULEPATH="$modulepath:$MODULEPATH"` `module load OmpSs-2` Remember that !OmpSs-2 uses a **thread-pool** execution model which means that it **permanently uses all the threads** present on the system. Users are strongly encouraged to always check the **system affinity** by running the **NUMA command** `srun numactl --show`: {{{ $ srun numactl --show policy: default preferred node: current physcpubind: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 cpubind: 0 1 nodebind: 0 1 membind: 0 1 }}} as well as the **Nanos6 command** `srun nanos6-info --runtime-details | grep List`: {{{ $ srun nanos6-info --runtime-details | grep List Initial CPU List 0-47 NUMA Node 0 CPU List 0-35 NUMA Node 1 CPU List 12-47 }}} System affinity can be used to specify, for example, the ratio of MPI and !OmpSs-2 processes for a hybrid application and can be modified by user request in different ways: * Via the command `srun` or `salloc`. However, if the affinity given by SLURM does not correspond to the resources requested, it should be reported to the system administrators. * Via the command `numactl`. * Via the command `taskset`. ---- = Using the Repositories = All the examples shown here are publicly available at [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples]. Users must clone/download each example's repository and then transfer it to a DEEP working directory. == System Configuration == Please refer to section [#QuickSetuponDEEPSystem Quick Setup on DEEP System] to get a functional version of !OmpSs-2 on DEEP. It is also recommended to run !OmpSs-2 via an interactive session on a cluster module (CM) node. == Building and Running the Examples == All the examples come with a Makefile already configured to build (e.g. `make`) and run (e.g. `make run`) them. You can clean the directory with the command `make clean`. == Controlling the Available Threads == In order to limit or constraint the available threads for an application, the Unix **taskset** tool can be used to launch applications with a given thread affinity. In order to use taskset, simply precede the application's binary with taskset followed by a list of CPU IDs specifying the desired affinity: `taskset -c 0,2-4 ./application` The example above will run **application** with 4 cores: 0, 2, 3, 4. == Creating Dependency Graphs == Nanos6 allows for a graphical representation of data dependencies to be extracted. In order to generate said graph, run the application with the **NANOS6** environment variable set to **graph**: `NANOS6=graph ./application` By default graph nodes will include the full path of the source code. To remove it, set the following environment variable: `NANOS6_GRAPH_SHORTEN_FILENAMES=1` The result will be a PDF file with several pages, each representing the graph at a certain point in time. For best results, we suggest to display the PDF with **single page** view, showing a full page and to advance page by page. == Obtaining Statistics == Another equally interesting feature of Nanos6 is obtaining statistics. To do so, simply run the application as: `NANOS6=stats ./application` or also `NANOS6=stats-papi ./application` The first collects timing statistics while the second also records hardware counters (compilation with PAPI is needed for the second). By default, the statistics are emitted standard error when the program ends. == Tracing with Extrae == A **trace.sh** file can be used to include all the environment variables needed to get an instrumentation trace of the execution. The content of this file is as follows: {{{#!bash #!/bin/bash export EXTRAE_CONFIG_FILE=extrae.xml export NANOS6="extrae" $* }}} Additionally, you will need to change your running script in order to invoke the program through this trace.sh script so that it looks like: `./trace.sh ./application` Although you can also edit your running script adding all the environment variables related with the instrumentation, it is preferable to use this extra script to easily change between instrumented and non-instrumented executions. When in need to instrument your execution, simply include trace.sh before the program invocation. Note that the **extrae.xml** file, which is used to configure the Extrae library to get a Paraver trace, is also needed. ---- = A Step-By-Step Detailed Guide to Execute the Multisaxpy Benchmark (!OmpSs-2) = Users must clone/download this example's repository from [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/multisaxpy] and transfer it to a DEEP working directory. == Description == This benchmark runs several SAXPY operations. SAXPY is a combination of scalar multiplication and vector addition (a common operation in computations with vector processors) and constitutes a level 1 operation in the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) package. There are **7 implementations** of this benchmark. == Execution Instructions == `./multisaxpy SIZE BLOCK_SIZE INTERATIONS` where: * `SIZE` is the number of elements of the vectors used on the SAXPY operation. * The SAXPY operation will be applied to the vector in blocks that contains `BLOCK_SIZE` elements. * `ITERATIONS` is the number of times the SAXPY operation is executed. == Downloading, Building and Executing this Benchmark == Clone the repository to your local machine: `git clone https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/multisaxpy` and upload it to the ''/work/cdeep/USERNAME/'' directory (which might not exist yet) of the DEEP cluster: `scp -r multisaxpy/ USERNAME@deep.fz-juelich.de:~/work/cdeep/USERNAME/` Now connect to the DEEP login node: `ssh -X USERNAME@deep.fz-juelich.de` and from there open the ''multisaxpy'' folder: `cd /work/cdeep/USERNAME/multisaxpy` and request an interactive cluster module (CM) node in order to use all the available 48 threads to run a pure !OmpSs-2 application: `srun -p dp-cn -N 1 -n 1 -c 48 --pty /bin/bash -i` Load the !OmpSs-2 module via the following commands: `modulepath="/usr/local/software/skylake/Stages/2018b/modules/all/Core:$modulepath"` `modulepath="/usr/local/software/skylake/Stages/2018b/modules/all/Compiler/mpi/intel/2019.0.117-GCC-7.3.0:$modulepath"` `modulepath="/usr/local/software/skylake/Stages/2018b/modules/all/MPI/intel/2019.0.117-GCC-7.3.0/psmpi/5.2.1-1-mt:$modulepath"` `export MODULEPATH="$modulepath:$MODULEPATH"` `module load OmpSs-2` and check the affinity via the command `srun numactly --show` which should report the following: {{{ $ srun numactly --show policy: default preferred node: current physcpubind: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 cpubind: 0 1 nodebind: 0 1 membind: 0 1 }}} Now you should be able to clean, build and execute this benchmark via the command `make`: {{{ $ make clean rm -f 01.multisaxpy_seq 02.multisaxpy_task_loop 03.multisaxpy_task 04.multisaxpy_task+dep 05.multisaxpy_task+weakdep 06.multisaxpy_task_loop+weakdep 07.multisaxpy_task+reduction $ make mcxx --ompss-2 01.multisaxpy_seq.cpp main.cpp -o 01.multisaxpy_seq -lrt mcxx --ompss-2 02.multisaxpy_task_loop.cpp main.cpp -o 02.multisaxpy_task_loop -lrt mcxx --ompss-2 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp main.cpp -o 03.multisaxpy_task -lrt 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13: info: adding task function 'axpy_task' for device 'smp' 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:12:3: info: call to task function '::axpy_task' 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13: info: task function declared here mcxx --ompss-2 04.multisaxpy_task+dep.cpp main.cpp -o 04.multisaxpy_task+dep -lrt 04.multisaxpy_task+dep.cpp:3:13: info: adding task function 'axpy_task' for device 'smp' 04.multisaxpy_task+dep.cpp:12:3: info: call to task function '::axpy_task' 04.multisaxpy_task+dep.cpp:3:13: info: task function declared here mcxx --ompss-2 05.multisaxpy_task+weakdep.cpp main.cpp -o 05.multisaxpy_task+weakdep -lrt 05.multisaxpy_task+weakdep.cpp:3:13: info: adding task function 'axpy_task' for device 'smp' 05.multisaxpy_task+weakdep.cpp:12:3: info: call to task function '::axpy_task' 05.multisaxpy_task+weakdep.cpp:3:13: info: task function declared here mcxx --ompss-2 06.multisaxpy_task_loop+weakdep.cpp main.cpp -o 06.multisaxpy_task_loop+weakdep -lrt mcxx --ompss-2 07.multisaxpy_task+reduction.cpp main.cpp -o 07.multisaxpy_task+reduction -lrt 07.multisaxpy_task+reduction.cpp:14:13: info: reduction of variable 'yy' of type 'double [elements]' solved to 'operator +' :1:1: info: reduction declared here 07.multisaxpy_task+reduction.cpp:21:13: info: reduction of variable 'y' of type 'double [N]' solved to 'operator +' :1:1: info: reduction declared here $ make run ./01.multisaxpy_seq 16777216 8192 100 size: 16777216, bs: 8192, iterations: 100, time: 3.30132, performance: 0.508197 NANOS6_SCHEDULER=fifo ./02.multisaxpy_task_loop 16777216 8192 100 size: 16777216, bs: 8192, iterations: 100, time: 0.411888, performance: 4.07325 ./03.multisaxpy_task 16777216 8192 100 size: 16777216, bs: 8192, iterations: 100, time: 0.648536, performance: 2.58694 ./04.multisaxpy_task+dep 16777216 8192 100 size: 16777216, bs: 8192, iterations: 100, time: 1.04207, performance: 1.60998 ./05.multisaxpy_task+weakdep 16777216 8192 100 size: 16777216, bs: 8192, iterations: 100, time: 1.09049, performance: 1.5385 NANOS6_SCHEDULER=fifo ./06.multisaxpy_task_loop+weakdep 16777216 8192 100 size: 16777216, bs: 8192, iterations: 100, time: 8.91, performance: 0.188296 ./07.multisaxpy_task+reduction 16777216 8192 100 size: 16777216, bs: 8192, iterations: 100, time: 7.03558, performance: 0.238462 }}} == Override the Number of Threads Used == Let's have a closer look at the third implementation, i.e. ''03.multisaxpy_task'', which took 0.648536 seconds to finish using 48 threads. Remember that a full CM node features 48 threads (0-47) divided in two sockets: 0-11,24-35 for the first socket and 12-23,36-47 for the second socket. **Notice that they are indeed not consecutive! ** We can change the threads used by !OmpSs-2 with the Linux command `taskset`. For example, the command to run this binary with 24 threads interleaved between the two sockets would be: `taskset -c 0-23 ./03.multisaxpy_task 16777216 8192 100` Similarly, to run this benchmark using all the 24 threads of the second socket use the following command: `taskset -c 12-23,36-47 ./03.multisaxpy_task 16777216 8192 100` You can also try to run this example with only 12 threads of the first socket: `taskset -c 0-11 ./03.multisaxpy_task 16777216 8192 100` or 12 threads interleaved between the two sockets: `taskset -c 0-5,12-17 ./03.multisaxpy_task 16777216 8192 100` Changing the number of threads assigned to !OmpSs-2 affects the performance of the application and not necessarily in a negative way, e.g. see below: {{{ $ ./03.multisaxpy_task 16777216 8192 100 size: 16777216, bs: 8192, iterations: 100, time: 0.653537, performance: 2.56714 $ taskset -c 0-23 ./03.multisaxpy_task 16777216 8192 100 size: 16777216, bs: 8192, iterations: 100, time: 0.686265, performance: 2.44471 $ taskset -c 12-23,36-47 ./03.multisaxpy_task 16777216 8192 100 size: 16777216, bs: 8192, iterations: 100, time: 0.650363, performance: 2.57967 $ taskset -c 0-11 ./03.multisaxpy_task 16777216 8192 100 size: 16777216, bs: 8192, iterations: 100, time: 0.55417, performance: 3.02745 $ taskset -c 0-5,12-17 ./03.multisaxpy_task 16777216 8192 100 size: 16777216, bs: 8192, iterations: 100, time: 0.705859, performance: 2.37685 }}} == Creating a Dependency Graph == Let's continue with the same example used above and create a dependency graph using only 12 threads of one socket (e.g. the second), which demonstrated to be the affinity giving the best results. Furthermore, we are not longer interested in running 100 iterations (nor using a large number of elements) for graph purposes and hence only one iteration will suffice to generate a complete graph of this application. Run the following command: `NANOS6=graph taskset -c 12-23 ./03.multisaxpy_task 196608 8192 1` Once it has finished it should have created a script with the name ''graph-XXXXX-YYYYYYYYY-script.sh'' and a directory ''graph-XXXXX-YYYYYYYYY-components''. Execute said script by typing the following (note that it requires the tool `dot`): `bash graph-XXXXX-YYYYYYYYY-script.sh` to merge the intermediate results into a single PDF file which should look like this: [[Image(SAXPYgraph.png, 100%)]] which illustrates 24 tasks executed in parallel using 12 threads. == Obtaining statistics == The visual execution of tasks can be further complemented with statistics. Executing the following command: `NANOS6=stats taskset -c 12-23 ./03.multisaxpy_task 196608 8192 1` will give you the information below: {{{ $ NANOS6=stats taskset -c 12-23 ./03.multisaxpy_task 196608 8192 1 size: 196608, bs: 8192, iterations: 1, time: 0.000241, performance: 0.815801 STATS Total CPUs 12 STATS Total time 2.42573e+07 ns STATS Total threads 12 STATS Mean threads per CPU 1 STATS Mean tasks per thread 2.08333 STATS Mean thread lifetime 3.65355e+09 % STATS Mean thread running time 100 % STATS Mean effective parallelism 0.123268 STATS All Tasks instances 25 STATS All Tasks mean instantiation time 1445 ns 0.885064 % STATS All Tasks mean pending time 0 ns 0 % STATS All Tasks mean ready time 32446 ns 19.8732 % STATS All Tasks mean execution time 119605 ns 73.2582 % STATS All Tasks mean blocked time 3702 ns 2.26748 % STATS All Tasks mean zombie time 6067 ns 3.71604 % STATS All Tasks mean lifetime 163265 ns STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 instances 24 STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean instantiation time 1251 ns 1.75051 % STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean pending time 0 ns 0 % STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean ready time 32944 ns 46.0981 % STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean execution time 31079 ns 43.4884 % STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean blocked time 0 ns 0 % STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean zombie time 6191 ns 8.66298 % STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean lifetime 71465 ns STATS main instances 1 STATS main mean instantiation time 6089 ns 0.2573 % STATS main mean pending time 0 ns 0 % STATS main mean ready time 20505 ns 0.866471 % STATS main mean execution time 2244241 ns 94.8339 % STATS main mean blocked time 92553 ns 3.91097 % STATS main mean zombie time 3108 ns 0.131333 % STATS main mean lifetime 2366496 ns STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 instances 24 STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean instantiation time 1251 ns 1.75051 % STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean pending time 0 ns 0 % STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean ready time 32944 ns 46.0981 % STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean execution time 31079 ns 43.4884 % STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean blocked time 0 ns 0 % STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean zombie time 6191 ns 8.66298 % STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean lifetime 71465 ns STATS Phase 1 instances 24 STATS Phase 1 mean instantiation time 1251 ns 1.75051 % STATS Phase 1 mean pending time 0 ns 0 % STATS Phase 1 mean ready time 32944 ns 46.0981 % STATS Phase 1 mean execution time 31079 ns 43.4884 % STATS Phase 1 mean blocked time 0 ns 0 % STATS Phase 1 mean zombie time 6191 ns 8.66298 % STATS Phase 1 mean lifetime 71465 ns STATS Phase 1 effective parallelism 0.165278 }}} Additionally, you can get information related to hardware counters via PAPI. For this, firstly load the PAPI module: `module load PAPI/5.6.0` and then execute: `NANOS6=stats-papi taskset -c 12-23 ./03.multisaxpy_task 196608 8192 1` to get statistics: {{{ $ NANOS6=stats-papi taskset -c 12-23 ./03.multisaxpy_task 196608 8192 1 size: 196608, bs: 8192, iterations: 1, time: 0.000236, performance: 0.833085 STATS Total CPUs 12 STATS Total time 3.06985e+07 ns STATS Total threads 12 STATS Mean threads per CPU 1 STATS Mean tasks per thread 2.08333 STATS Mean thread lifetime 2.88807e+09 % STATS Mean thread running time 100 % STATS Mean effective parallelism 0.13271 STATS All Tasks instances 25 STATS All Tasks mean instantiation time 2708 ns 1.52238 % STATS All Tasks mean pending time 0 ns 0 % STATS All Tasks mean ready time 9032 ns 5.07761 % STATS All Tasks mean execution time 162959 ns 91.6123 % STATS All Tasks mean blocked time 1105 ns 0.621209 % STATS All Tasks mean zombie time 2075 ns 1.16652 % STATS All Tasks mean lifetime 177879 ns STATS All Tasks Real frequency 0.658047 GHz STATS All Tasks Virtual frequency 0.782649 GHz STATS All Tasks IPC 1.66625 STATS All Tasks L2 data cache miss ratio 3.203 STATS All Tasks Real nsecs 3804026 nsecs STATS All Tasks Virtual nsecs 3198406 nsecs STATS All Tasks Instructions 4171011 instructions STATS All Tasks Total cycles 2503229 STATS All Tasks Instr completed 4171011 STATS All Tasks L2D cache accesses 16754 STATS All Tasks L2D cache misses 53663 STATS All Tasks Reference cycles 2054784 STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 instances 24 STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean instantiation time 2498 ns 4.60435 % STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean pending time 0 ns 0 % STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean ready time 8237 ns 15.1826 % STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean execution time 41452 ns 76.405 % STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean blocked time 0 ns 0 % STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean zombie time 2066 ns 3.80808 % STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean lifetime 54253 ns STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 Real frequency 3.16748 GHz STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 Virtual frequency 3.18873 GHz STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 IPC 1.72954 STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 L2 data cache miss ratio 3.96831 STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 Real nsecs 755566 nsecs STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 Virtual nsecs 750532 nsecs STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 Instructions 4139211 instructions STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 Total cycles 2393243 STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 Instr completed 4139211 STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 L2D cache accesses 13316 STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 L2D cache misses 52842 STATS 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 Reference cycles 1964416 STATS main instances 1 STATS main mean instantiation time 7755 ns 0.246588 % STATS main mean pending time 0 ns 0 % STATS main mean ready time 28131 ns 0.894488 % STATS main mean execution time 3079121 ns 97.9076 % STATS main mean blocked time 27636 ns 0.878749 % STATS main mean zombie time 2284 ns 0.0726249 % STATS main mean lifetime 3144927 ns STATS main Real frequency 0.0360792 GHz STATS main Virtual frequency 0.0449312 GHz STATS main IPC 0.289128 STATS main L2 data cache miss ratio 0.238802 STATS main Real nsecs 3048460 nsecs STATS main Virtual nsecs 2447874 nsecs STATS main Instructions 31800 instructions STATS main Total cycles 109986 STATS main Instr completed 31800 STATS main L2D cache accesses 3438 STATS main L2D cache misses 821 STATS main Reference cycles 90368 STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 instances 24 STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean instantiation time 2498 ns 4.60435 % STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean pending time 0 ns 0 % STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean ready time 8237 ns 15.1826 % STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean execution time 41452 ns 76.405 % STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean blocked time 0 ns 0 % STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean zombie time 2066 ns 3.80808 % STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 mean lifetime 54253 ns STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 Real frequency 3.16748 GHz STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 Virtual frequency 3.18873 GHz STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 IPC 1.72954 STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 L2 data cache miss ratio 3.96831 STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 Real nsecs 755566 nsecs STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 Virtual nsecs 750532 nsecs STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 Instructions 4139211 instructions STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 Total cycles 2393243 STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 Instr completed 4139211 STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 L2D cache accesses 13316 STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 L2D cache misses 52842 STATS Phase 1 03.multisaxpy_task.cpp:3:13 Reference cycles 1964416 STATS Phase 1 instances 24 STATS Phase 1 mean instantiation time 2498 ns 4.60435 % STATS Phase 1 mean pending time 0 ns 0 % STATS Phase 1 mean ready time 8237 ns 15.1826 % STATS Phase 1 mean execution time 41452 ns 76.405 % STATS Phase 1 mean blocked time 0 ns 0 % STATS Phase 1 mean zombie time 2066 ns 3.80808 % STATS Phase 1 mean lifetime 54253 ns STATS Phase 1 Real frequency 3.16748 GHz STATS Phase 1 Virtual frequency 3.18873 GHz STATS Phase 1 IPC 1.72954 STATS Phase 1 L2 data cache miss ratio 3.96831 STATS Phase 1 Real nsecs 755566 nsecs STATS Phase 1 Virtual nsecs 750532 nsecs STATS Phase 1 Instructions 4139211 instructions STATS Phase 1 Total cycles 2393243 STATS Phase 1 Instr completed 4139211 STATS Phase 1 L2D cache accesses 13316 STATS Phase 1 L2D cache misses 52842 STATS Phase 1 Reference cycles 1964416 STATS Phase 1 effective parallelism 0.217033 }}} == Tracing with Extrae == **THIS SECTION IS WORK IN PROGRESS, PLEASE IGNORE IT** To get traces of this benchmark using Extrae firstly load the corresponding module: `module load Extrae/3.6.1` and charge the Extrae environment in your active session: `source /usr/local/software/skylake/Stages/2018b/software/Extrae/3.6.1-ipsmpi-2018b-mt/etc/extrae.sh` Then copy a preconfigured ''extrae.xml'' file to instrument !OmpSs-2 to your current working directory ''multisaxpy/'': `cp /usr/local/software/skylake/Stages/2018b/software/Extrae/3.6.1-ipsmpi-2018b-mt/share/example/OMPSS/extrae.xml .` The next step is to create a new file ''trace.sh'': `touch trace.sh` with the necessary permission to be executed: `chmod +x trace.sh` and fill it with the following text: {{{#!bash #!/bin/bash export EXTRAE_CONFIG_FILE=extrae.xml export NANOS6="extrae" $* }}} Now execute the benchmark keeping its original size but only 20 iterations with the following command: `taskset -c 12-23 ./trace.sh ./03.multisaxpy_task 16777216 8192 20` == References == * [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/multisaxpy] * [https://pm.bsc.es/ftp/ompss-2/doc/examples/local/sphinx/03-fundamentals.html] * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AXPY] ---- = Dot-product Benchmark (!OmpSs-2) = Users must clone/download this example's repository from [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/dot-product] and transfer it to a DEEP working directory. == Description == This benchmark runs a dot-product operation. The dot-product (also known as scalar product) is an algebraic operation that takes two equal-length sequences of numbers and returns a single number. There are **3 implementations** of this benchmark. == Execution Instructions == `./dot_product SIZE CHUNK_SIZE` where: * `SIZE` is the number of elements of the vectors used on the dot-product operation. * The dot-product operation will be applied to the vector in blocks that contains `CHUNK_SIZE` elements. == References == * [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/dot-product] * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot_product] ---- = Mergesort Benchmark (!OmpSs-2) = Users must clone/download this example's repository from [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/mergesort] and transfer it to a DEEP working directory. == Description == This benchmark is a recursive sorting algorithm based on comparisons. There are **6 implementations** of this benchmark. == Execution Instructions == `./mergesort N BLOCK_SIZE` where: * `N` is the number of elements to be sorted. Mandatory for all versions of this benchmark. * `BLOCK_SIZE` is used to determine the threshold when the task becomes ''final''. If the array size is less or equal than `BLOCK_SIZE`, the task will become final, so no more tasks will be created inside it. Mandatory for all versions of this benchmark. == References == * [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/mergesort] * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merge_sort] ---- = Nqueens Benchmark (!OmpSs-2) = Users must clone/download this example's repository from [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/nqueens] and transfer it to a DEEP working directory. == Description == This benchmark computes, for a NxN chessboard, the number of configurations of placing N chess queens in the chessboard such that none of them is able to attack any other. It is implemented using a branch-and-bound algorithm. There are **7 implementations** of this benchmark. == Execution Instructions == `./n-queens N [threshold]` where: * `N` is the chessboard's size. Mandatory for all versions of this benchmark. * `threshold` is the number of rows of the chessboard that will generate tasks. The remaining rows (N - threshold) will not generate tasks and will be executed in serial mode. Mandatory from all versions of this benchmark except from 01 (sequential version) and 02 (fully parallel version). == References == * [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/nqueens] * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_queens_puzzle] ---- = Matmul Benchmark (!OmpSs-2) = Users must clone/download this example's repository from [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/matmul] and transfer it to a DEEP working directory. == Description == This benchmark runs a matrix multiplication operation C = A✕B, where A has size N✕M, B has size M✕P, and the resulting matrix C has size N✕P. There are **3 implementations** of this benchmark. == Execution Instructions == `./matmul N M P BLOCK_SIZE` where: * `N` is the number of rows of the matrix A. * `M` is the number of columns of the matrix A and the number of rows of the matrix B. * `P` is the number of columns of the matrix B. * The matrix multiplication operation will be applied in blocks that contains `BLOCK_SIZE`✕`BLOCK_SIZE` elements. == References == * [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/matmul] * [https://pm.bsc.es/ftp/ompss-2/doc/examples/local/sphinx/02-examples.html] * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_multiplication_algorithm] ---- = Cholesky Benchmark (!OmpSs-2+MKL) = Users must clone/download this example's repository from [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/cholesky] and transfer it to a DEEP working directory. == Description == This benchmark is a decomposition of a Hermitian, positive-definite matrix into the product of a lower triangular matrix and its conjugate transpose. This Cholesky decomposition is carried out with !OmpSs-2 using tasks with priorities. There are **3 implementations** of this benchmark. The code uses the CBLAS and LAPACKE interfaces to both BLAS and LAPACK. By default we try to find MKL, ATLAS and LAPACKE from the MKLROOT, LIBRARY_PATH and C_INCLUDE_PATH environment variables. If you are using an implementation with other linking requirements, please edit the `LIBS` entry in the makefile accordingly. The Makefile has three additional rules: * **run:** runs each version one after the other. * **run-graph:** runs the !OmpSs-2 versions with the graph instrumentation. * **run-extrae:** runs the !OmpSs-2 versions with the extrae instrumentation. For the graph instrumentation, it is recommended to view the resulting PDF in single page mode and to advance through the pages. This will show the actual instantiation and execution of the code. For the extrae instrumentation, extrae must be loaded and available at least through the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` environment variable. == Execution Instructions == `./cholesky SIZE BLOCK_SIZE` where: * `SIZE` is the number of elements per side of the matrix. * The decomposition is made by blocks of `BLOCK_SIZE` by `BLOCK_SIZE` elements. == References == * [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/cholesky] * [https://pm.bsc.es/ftp/ompss-2/doc/examples/02-examples/cholesky-mkl/README.html] * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_queens_puzzle] ---- = Nbody Benchmark (MPI+!OmpSs-2+TAMPI) = Users must clone/download this example's repository from [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/nbody] and transfer it to a DEEP working directory. == Description == This benchmark represents an N-body simulation to numerically approximate the evolution of a system of bodies in which each body continuously interacts with every other body. A familiar example is an astrophysical simulation in which each body represents a galaxy or an individual star, and the bodies attract each other through the gravitational force. There are **7 implementations** of this benchmark which are compiled in different binaries by executing the command `make`. These versions can be blocking, when the particle space is divided into smaller blocks, or non-blocking, when it is not. The interoperability versions (MPI+!OmpSs-2+TAMPI) are compiled only if the environment variable `TAMPI_HOME` is set to the Task-Aware MPI (TAMPI) library's installation directory. == Execution Instructions == The binaries accept several options. The most relevant options are the number of total particles (`-p`) and the number of timesteps (`-t`). More options can be seen with the `-h` option. An example of execution could be: `mpiexec -n 4 -bind-to hwthread:16 ./nbody -t 100 -p 8192` in which the application will perform 100 timesteps in 4 MPI processes with 16 hardware threads in each process (used by the !OmpSs-2 runtime). The total number of particles will be 8192 so that each process will have 2048 particles (2 blocks per process). == References == * [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/nbody] * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-body_simulation] ---- = Heat Benchmark (MPI+!OmpSs-2+TAMPI) = Users must clone/download this example's repository from [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/heat] and transfer it to a DEEP working directory. == Description == This benchmark uses an iterative Gauss-Seidel method to solve the heat equation, which is a parabolic partial differential equation that describes the distribution of heat (or variation in temperature) in a given region over time. The heat equation is of fundamental importance in a wide range of science fields. In mathematics, it is the parabolic partial differential equation par excellence. In statistics, it is related to the study of the Brownian motion. Also, the diffusion equation is a generic version of the heat equation, and it is related to the study of chemical diffusion processes. There are **9 implementations** of this benchmark which are compiled in different binaries by executing the command `make`. The interoperability versions (MPI+!OmpSs-2+TAMPI) are compiled only if the environment variable `TAMPI_HOME` is set to the Task-Aware MPI (TAMPI) library's installation directory. == Execution Instructions == The binaries accept several options. The most relevant options are the size of the matrix in each dimension (`-s`) and the number of timesteps (`-t`). More options can be seen with the `-h` option. An example of execution could be: `mpiexec -n 4 -bind-to hwthread:16 ./heat -t 150 -s 8192` in which the application will perform 150 timesteps in 4 MPI processes with 16 hardware threads in each process (used by the !OmpSs-2 runtime). The size of the matrix in each dimension will be 8192 (8192^2^ elements in total), this means that each process will have 2048x8192 elements (16 blocks per process). == References == * [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/heat] * [https://pm.bsc.es/ftp/ompss-2/doc/examples/local/sphinx/04-mpi+ompss-2.html] * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heat_equation] ---- = Krist Benchmark (!OmpSs-2+CUDA) = Users must clone/download this example's repository from [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/krist] and transfer it to a DEEP working directory. == Description == This benchmark represents the krist kernel, which is used in crystallography to find the exact shape of a molecule using Rntgen diffraction on single crystals or powders. There are **2 implementations** of this benchmark, ''krist'' and ''krist-unified'' using regular and unified CUDA memory, repectively. == Execution Instructions == `./krist N_A N_R` where: * `N_A` is the number of atoms (1000 by default). * `N_R` is the umber of reflections (10000 by default). == References == * [https://pm.bsc.es/gitlab/ompss-2/examples/krist]