
Version 16 (modified by Jochen Kreutz, 4 years ago) (diff)

oneAPI info updated

Latest news on the DEEP-EST prototype system

This is a summary of the latest news concerning the system. For a list of known problems related to the system, please refer to this page.

Last update: 2020-11-18

System hardware

CM nodes

ESB nodes

  • remaining two ESB racks have been installed: now 75 ESB nodes present
  • currently connected via IB EDR, to be changed to Extoll network later this year

DAM nodes

  • all nodes still run in app-direct mode for the DCPMM (see #2366)
  • BIOS update has been rolled out to all DAM nodes

Network Federation Gateways

  • two gateway nodes for IB ↔ Extoll bridging between CM/ESB and DAM are available for the users
  • for an example on how to use the gateway nodes and for further information, please refer to the batchsystem wiki page.

Global resources


  • a NAM SW implementation has been done, a test environment on the DAM is being prepared

File Systems

  • DEEP-EST storage has been rebuilt for performance reasons
    • BeeGFS servers and clients have been updated
    • the SDV is de-coupled now meaning that the SDV nodes only mount /sdv-work (not /work) and the DEEP-EST nodes only mount /work (not /sdv-work)
  • BeeGFS (/work) will get user quotas (see section "User management")
  • It is possible to access the $ARCHIVE file system from the deepv login node under /arch. For more information about $ARCHIVE, please refer to the Filesystems page and see also the hint in the MOTD for efficient usage of the archive filesystem
  • DCPMM usage within BeeGFS currently being tested on dp-dam03
    • more tests (with CentOS 8) to follow

System software

SW updates

  • new SLURM features are being integrated and will be rolled out in near future:
    • extended logging and improved resource management for jobs within a workflow
    • burst buffer pluggin
  • 2020a Easybuild stage is currently being set up
  • ParaStationMPI version (5.4.6-1) has been installed and is used as default now
  • Intel oneAPI Beta 10 version has been installed to /usr/local/intel/oneapi

User management

BeeGFS Quotas

  • a quota for the BeeGFS file system (mounted to /work) has been implemented
    • thresholds to be defined