
Version 1 (modified by Anke Kreuzer, 8 years ago) (diff)

File Systems

The following table summarizes the characteristics of the file systems available in the DEEP and DEEP-ER systems:

Mount Point User can write/read to/from Cluster Type Global / Local SW Version Stripe Pattern Details Maximum Measured Performance
(see footnotes)
/home[a-b] /home[a-b]/$USER DEEP, SDV GPFS exported via NFS Global Home directory;
not suitable for performance relevant applications
or benchmarking
/gpfs-work /gpfs-work/$USER DEEP, SDV GPFS exported via NFS Global GPFS work file system;
not suitable for performance relevant applications
or benchmarking
/work /work/$USER DEEP BeeGFS Global 2015.03.!r11 Type: RAID0,
Chunksize: 512K,
Number of storage targets: desired: 4
2170 MiB/s write, 2111 MiB/s read
~21000 ops/s create
Work file system
/sdv-work /sdv-work/$USER SDV BeeGFS Global 2015.03.!r10 Type: RAID0,
Chunksize: 512K,
Number of storage targets: desired: 4
425 MiB/s write, 67 MiB/s read
15202 ops/s create, 5111 ops/s remove
Work file system
/nvme /nvme/tmp SDV NVMe device Local Block size: 4K 1145 MiB/s write, 3108 MiB/s read
139148 ops/s create, 62587 ops/s remove
1 NVMe device available at each SDV compute node
/mnt/beeond /mnt/beeond SDV BeeGFS On Demand running on the NVMe Local 2015.03.!r10 Block size: 512K 1130 MiB/s write, 2447 MiB/s read
12511 ops/s create, 18424 ops/s remove
1 BeeOND instance running on each NVMe device

Stripe Pattern Details

It is possible to query this information from the deep login node, for instance:

manzano@deep $ fhgfs-ctl --getentryinfo /work/manzano
Path: /manzano
Mount: /work
EntryID: 1D-53BA4FF8-3BD3
Metadata node: deep-fs02 [ID: 15315]
Stripe pattern details:
+ Type: RAID0
+ Chunksize: 512K
+ Number of storage targets: desired: 4

manzano@deep $ beegfs-ctl --getentryinfo /sdv-work/manzano
Path: /manzano
Mount: /sdv-work
EntryID: 0-565C499C-1
Metadata node: deeper-fs01 [ID: 1]
Stripe pattern details:
+ Type: RAID0
+ Chunksize: 512K
+ Number of storage targets: desired: 4

Or like this:

manzano@deep $ stat -f /work/manzano
  File: "/work/manzano"
    ID: 0        Namelen: 255     Type: fhgfs
Block size: 524288     Fundamental block size: 524288
Blocks: Total: 120178676  Free: 65045470   Available: 65045470
Inodes: Total: 0          Free: 0

manzano@deep $ stat -f /sdv-work/manzano
  File: "/sdv-work/manzano"
    ID: 0        Namelen: 255     Type: fhgfs
Block size: 524288     Fundamental block size: 524288
Blocks: Total: 120154793  Free: 110378947  Available: 110378947
Inodes: Total: 0          Free: 0

See for more information.

Additional infos

Detailed information on the BeeGFS Configuration can be found here.

Detailed information on the BeeOND Configuration can be found here.

Detailed information on the Storage Configuration can be found here.

Detailed information on the Storage Performance can be found here.


![1] Performance tests (IOR and mdtest) reports are available in the BSCW under DEEP-ER → Work Packages (WPs) → WP4 → T4.5 - Performance measurement and evaluation of I/O software → Jülich DEEP Cluster → Benchmarking reports:

![2] Test results and parameters used stored in JUBE:

user@deep $ cd /usr/local/deep-er/sdv-benchmarks/synthetic/ior
user@deep $ jube2 result benchmarks

user@deep $ cd /usr/local/deep-er/sdv-benchmarks/synthetic/mdtest
user@deep $ jube2 result benchmarks