= Information about the batch system = == Ressource allocation == * Start an interactive session for example on one DEEP Cluster Node for 2.5 hours: -> ''qsub -I -X -l nodes=1:ppn=16:cluster,walltime=02:30:00'' * Leave the interactive session: -> ''exit'' * Submit a batch job: -> ''qsub job_script.sh'' * Specify the nodes you want to use: -> ''-l nodes=x:ppn=y:cluster'' will allocate DEEP Cluster Nodes \\ -> ''-l nodes=x:ppn=y:booster'' will allocate DEEP Booster Nodes\\ -> ''-l nodes=x:ppn=y:sdv'' will allocate SDV Cluster Nodes\\ -> ''-l nodes=x:ppn=y:knl'' will allocate (randomly) SDV KNL Nodes\\ -> ''-l nodes=x:ppn=y:knl:extoll'' will allocate SDV KNL Nodes with EXTOLL\\ -> ''-l nodes=x:ppn=y:knl:nvme'' will allocate SDV KNL Nodes with NVMe\\ * The following job script can be used as a template for your own jobs: {{{ #!/bin/bash #PBS -S /bin/bash #PBS -l nodes=[number of nodes]:ppn=[number of processes per node]:[nodetype] #PBS -l walltime=[hours]:[minutes]:[seconds] #PBS -e [path to your errorfiles] #PBS -o [path to your outputfiles] #PBS -m e #PBS -M [your mail address] #PBS -N [name of your program] #PBS -d [path to your working directory] #PBS -v LD_LIBRARY_PATH module load parastation [load all the modules you need] mpiexec -np [number of processes] [executable] }}} == Some useful commands == * ''pbstop'' -> Shows system load and job overview.[[BR]] * ''pbsnodes -nl'' -> Shows information on nodes, that are currently not available.[[BR]] * ''showres'' -> Shows reservations. (Only on deepm) [[BR]] * ''showq'' -> Lists active, idle and blocked jobs. (Only on deepm) [[BR]] * ''qstat -u USER'' -> Shows jobs of a certain user.[[BR]] * ''qstat -f JOBID'' -> Shows detailed information about a certain job (job id can be obtained by qstat -u).[[BR]] * ''showstart JOBID'' -> Provides an estimated start time for a certain job. (Only on deepm)