WikiPrint - from Polar Technologies

Information about the batch system

Ressource allocation

qsub -I -X -l nodes=1:ppn=16:cluster,walltime=02:30:00



-l nodes=x:ppn=y:cluster will allocate DEEP Cluster Nodes
-l nodes=x:ppn=y:booster will allocate DEEP Booster Nodes
-l nodes=x:ppn=y:sdv will allocate SDV Cluster Nodes
-l nodes=x:ppn=y:knl will allocate (randomly) SDV KNL Nodes
-l nodes=x:ppn=y:knl:extoll will allocate SDV KNL Nodes with EXTOLL
-l nodes=x:ppn=y:knl:nvme will allocate SDV KNL Nodes with NVMe

#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -l nodes=[number of nodes]:ppn=[number of processes per node]:[nodetype]
#PBS -l walltime=[hours]:[minutes]:[seconds]
#PBS -e [path to your errorfiles]
#PBS -o [path to your outputfiles]
#PBS -m e
#PBS -M [your mail address]
#PBS -N [name of your program]
#PBS -d [path to your working directory] 
module load parastation
[load all the modules you need]
mpiexec -np [number of processes] [executable]

Some useful commands