Changes between Version 32 and Version 33 of Public/User_Guide/Batch_system

May 4, 2020, 3:24:22 PM (4 years ago)
Zia Ul Huda

Added information about slurm_workflow library.


  • Public/User_Guide/Batch_system

    v32 v33  
    452452If a job exits earlier than the allocated time asked by the user, the corresponding reservation for this job is deleted automatically and the resources become available for the other jobs. However, users should be careful with the requested time when submitting workflows as the larger time values can delay the scheduling of the workflows depending on the situation of the resources.
     454=== {{{slurm_workflow}}} Library ===
     456We have developed a library that developers can use to change the reservation beginning times or dependency type of the dependent jobs in a workflow. This library is called {{{slurm_workflow}}}. The library has two functions.
     458The first function moves all the reservations of the remaining workflow jobs to an earlier time when the workflow is created using {{{--delay}}} switch.
     461IN:    number seconds to move
     462OUT:   0 successful, non zero unsuccessful. set slurm_wf_error.
     464int slurm_wf_move_all_res(uint32_t t);
     467The second function changes the dependencies type of all jobs dependent on the current job from {{{afterok:job_id}}} to {{{after:job_id}}}.
     470OUT: 0 successful, error no otherwise.
     473int slurm_change_dep();
     476Call the above function to change all {{{afterok:$(SLURM_JOBID)}}} dependencies into {{{after:$(SLURM_JOBID)}} dependencies. This enables the jobs in workflow eligible for allocation by Slurm.
     478The header file can be included using {{{#include "slurm/slurm_workflow.h"}}} and should be linked using {{{-lslurm_workflow}}}.
    454481== Information on past jobs and accounting ==