= Access to the DEEP-EST prototype = == Step 1: !JuDoor Account == At first you have to create an account on our !JuDoor portal. Please look [wiki:Public/User_Guide/Account/JuDoor here] to proceed with the account creation and your first steps on the portal. == Step 2: Request compute ressources on the DEEP-EST prototype == After the creation of your !JuDoor account, you have to apply to a compute project to access the prototype and to a data project to be assigned space on the shared filesystems. \\ There are two different ways to for this: * You are the PI of an EAP project? Then please look [wiki:Public/User_Guide/Account/PI here]. * You want to join an existing (EAP) project on the DEEP-EST prototype? Then please look [wiki:Public/User_Guide/Account/Join here]. After being granted access to a compute (and data) project, you can request access to any system the project is allowed to. Please select for `DEEP` among the systems available on your compute project. Before accessing the system, please remember to read the usage conditions and digitally sign them. Also, you will have to upload a copy of your SSH public key via JuDoor in order to access the system. == Step 3: Using the system == Once access is granted you can reach the system with your !JuDoor account via SSH: '''deep.fz-juelich.de'''. Now your are ready to have a look at the other topics in our [wiki:Public/User_Guide_Tutorial1 Tutorial]. \\ \\ \\ For any question or issue, please contact ​access(at)deep-est.eu (if you are an EAP user) or sup(at)deep-est.eu (if you are a DEEP-EST member). \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ The old version of "Get an account" can be found [wiki:Public/User_Guide/Account/old here].