
Get an account

Starting from November 2018, the Forschungszentrum Jülich introduced a new usage model for accessing its supercomputing facilities (more information can be found here).

In order to access the DEEP system, an account on the JuDoor portal must be first created. Please read the JuDoor user documentation to proceed with the account creation and your first steps on the portal.

After the creation of a JuDoor account, the user has to apply to a compute project to access the cluster and to a data project to be assigned space on the shared filesystems.

Please, request access to cdeep (compute project on JuDoor) and deep (data project on JuDoor) only if you are a member the DEEP-EST project. Successful applicants of the Early Access Program should request access to the deepext compute project. Access to the DEEP system can also be granted via other compute projects, e.g. cjsc for the members of the Jülich Supercomputing Centre. If you are uncertain about which project to apply for on JuDoor, please contact Jacopo De Amicis (…).

After being granted access to a compute (and data) project, you can request access to any system the project is allowed to. Please select for DEEP among the systems available on your compute project. Before accessing the system, please remember to read the usage conditions and digitally sign them. Also, you will have to upload a copy of your SSH public key via JuDoor in order to access the system.

Once access is granted you can reach the system with your JuDoor account via SSH: See also the section about allocating resources on the compute nodes with the batch system.

For any question or issue, please contact sup@… or….

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on Jan 30, 2020, 3:02:04 PM